
The Challenge

Figma, the leading collaborative design platform, wanted to understand how collaboration and team dynamics change when generative AI becomes a member of the team. We conducted an experiment to take a look.

Generative AI has begun to work its way into people’s everyday workflows, and we’re starting to see how it can augment individual tasks and productivity. But in practice, much of our work is collaborative. When AI “enters the chat,” it has the potential to impact not only productivity and outcomes, but also the synergy between teammates.

The Outcome

We found that generative AI has a big presence in the collaborative room, bringing in energy that shakes up team dynamics considerably, especially for teams with less generative AI maturity. Specifically in our research, we outlined four potential impacts and made recommendations to help teams incorporate generative AI into their workflows for best results.

We authored an insights report of the findings Figma published publicly, as well as joined their team in a livestream to the Figma community to share highlights from the research and participate in a panel discussion with a Q&A.

From the research

“The speed with which [GenAI] can ideate or create something tangible with just a few keywords is really powerful. I feel like if someone is able to harness that power, they can go really far. But if they don’t know how to harness it, the horse is just gonna kick them off and feel overwhelming.”

Teams shared that the technology quickly ushered them into generating solutions, often at the expense spending time considering and defining the true problem that needed to be solved beforehand.

Teams were able to generate more artifacts overall and carry ideas further as individuals. A higher quantity of ideas made coming together as a team and aligning on one cohesive solution a challenge, putting team cohesion in jeopardy.

One team had developed norms around when individuals were to use generative AI, and those use-cases rolled up to their teams’ strengths and values. Setting expectations for what and when to use AI helped the team divert many of the pitfalls and chaos other teams encountered in the challenges. Doing so enable to them to use generative AI to prop them up when they encountered a gap or obstacle no one on the team could fill.

Most participants perceptions of AI fell into two buckets: bossy and definitive, or unfinished and suggestive. While the former found themselves frustrated with lower quality ideas, the latter were inspired by what they saw as initial kernel or spark—something to get them thinking, like a teammate’s first idea might.